Welcome to a collection of data on the FAIRBAIRN (and variant names) garnered from many sources, answers being sought for the following questions:

  • Where did the FAIRBAIRN name come from?
  • How many FAIRBAIRNs are there now?
  • How many were there?
  • Where are, and were, they?
  • How many different spellings of the name?
  • And are they all related?

The last question is gradually being answered by the companion FAIRBAIRN Surname DNA Project, where, 60+ kits so far, are showing that the majority of at least the Scottish Borders based FAIRBAIRN families are indeed related in some way.
But what about the rest? Yorkshire FAIRBURNs?

Happy to include links to pedigrees, and to list researchers, we’re all in this journey together, and so many people have already helped me over the years it seems only fair to return those favours.

So, if you want to help on this journey, why not post your line/interests/links on the Guestbook.

Why not add your branch of the FAIRBAIRNs to WikiTree and connect it up to others already there?
Make sure you add FAIRBAIRN to the list of surnames you are following so you appear in the list of FAIRBAIRN Genealogists.

For the answers to the above questions, keep checking back at the assorted links.